Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our home to yours!
*After serving at YWAM on St. Croix for the winter months,
*Jenny completed her year-and-a-half training in Biblical Counseling through Think LifeChange, generously provided by an anonymous giver, and is now joyfully serving in the counseling ministry.
*Merle is putting the final touches on the Glass House. Hopefully, it will be available for guests in January 2023, as it will be needed income for our future.
*Luke had surprising changes in his Army orders and is now in Colorado Springs, CO! The empty nest is real after …
*Lydia moved to Carrollton, GA as a nurse for Tanner Medical. She and Joshua, who is also an MK (from Japan) are ENGAGED! Wedding bells will be ringing in April 2023!
*Jenny’s brother Stan quietly passed into heaven Dec. 16th, and is now free of pain.
*We sadly buried Delores last July, whose estate is still in probate.
*This was the last Christmas for our wonderful Golden Retriever, whom we sorely miss, Miracle, who lived with...
*Hannah and Allan, who joined us for Christmas. Yay!
*After the wedding, we are trusting the Lord to return to Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Croatia, May through October, if God wills, as we continue on the Jones Family Journey.
We rejoice through the highs and lows of life that we know the Lord and can rest in His peace. The more you look for Him, the more you will see of the Lord! Jenny continues to write and is grateful to the neighbors for her car, and the blessing of having a home base in the USA. Merle is learning to navigate the downward spiral of our Christian nation, which we still find shocking, and bringing Life to the lost in this country.
May God abundantly bless you! We are so grateful to our supporters who were so faithful to us after all the disruption of Covid in our world, to provide training, building, and a stable place from which to launch our MK kids into their lives! May they receive God's favor to the utmost!
We would love to hear from you.
With love and gratefulness, Merle and Jenny
"The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;" Psalm 37:23 NIV