We are finally moving into the 21st Century! We are excited that we have progressed from days gone by of having to print out letters, stuff envelopes, and mail them with expensive stamps, to the more modern day emails, then PDFs, and now to blog posts and a website! We are expecting to have better connectivity with all of you, all our information in one place, and resources you can check out, if you are interested. It's new and has a big learning curve for us, but we understand the world is always changing and we want to better show supporters, family, and friends the amazing things God is doing around the world! Please be patient and forgiving! We are kind of old to learn these space-age tricks!
Here are some things to come: You will be able to check out the food that you will enjoy if you come to Sarajevo, see some of the beautiful sites around, and learn about Merle's trip to Sarajevo this past summer. We will soon be posting the October Newsletter including Merle's trip to Barbuda and our future plans! Jenny's Journal will reflect on a wife and mother's perspective on mission life, including being empty-nesters, which will be new to us.
If you would like to receive our beautiful new prayer cards and bookmark that Hannah designed for us, please drop us an email and your address and we will send it! Some folks at Church have already received them, and we have mailed them to our financial supporters this week. If you searched for us on the web and would like to join our mailing list, you can subscribe here on our website to be updated when we post something new.

Thank you for praying and supporting us on this new leg of our journey! We are excited about all the ways God will reveal Himself to us and you! Stay tuned!