We leave for Bosnia in August and return in October, Lord willing. We are taking copies of The Heart of the Problem to help those interested in learning to have Life and peace in Christ, correctly addressing issues for themselves and others in their circles of influence. Thank you to those who helped with the cost of the our flights to Sarajevo. If you are able to additionally contribute to our flight expense, please follow the give button above. Please pray for open and receptive hearts and minds to comprehend these very important truths of Scripture as we learn to walk in the Spirit for abundant life!
I (Jenny) attended Think LifeChange Biblical Counseling Residency again this week to get a refresher on all the wonderful concepts for counseling and being in right relationship with the Lord by walking in the Spirit, so that we do not fulfill the desires of the flesh.

We have so very many wonderful memories from 20+ years in our little area of Sarajevo; so many dear friends and shared activities and visits, it is like going home. We had the privilege to live in a Muslim neighborhood and witness many unique opportunities, visits, Corban Bajram sacrifices, giving out Samaritan Christmas packages at our local elementary school a stone's throw away, and participating in funerals and prayer for lost loved ones. Here are just a few early photos from our many years in Kobilja Glava:
And there's so much more!
We completed the Parenting class using the book "I Want to Enjoy My Children" at our home church, First Baptist Church Jonesboro, which Cynthia Temple and I (Jenny) were leading. Though the turnout was small this summer, the parents who attended truly enjoyed and grew from the textbook and conversation. Some of their comments include: I've learned confident expectation is simple but crucial; parents need to be working together in a partnership; parenting is a 20-year process; resistance is normal, but children need boundaries, help, and supervision; our relationship with Christ is the center and discipline must come from love and grace 100% of the time. All the parents enjoyed the fellowship with other parents going through the same process to raise godly children in a godly manner.

Merle is making progress on the next phase of the ministry center project. It is very physically demanding work yet he goes at it with vigor and determination, all by himself. I am able to work from Lookout Mountain occasionally.

I (Jenny) celebrated 70 years this July, and feel so blessed to have actively sought and followed the Lord Jesus for 40+ years! He has saved me, taught me and led me, provided missionary training for us to go to the world sending us with a church plant team, provided for us in so many surprising ways, and drawn us into a closer walk with Him every year. If you want a full and abundant life, get to know the Father of our souls, His beloved Son, and the Spirit by reading the precious Word of God to follow the Lord of LIFE! "The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." 2 Chronicles 16:9.

Thank you, Hannah, for getting the party all organized! And thank you, Lord, for a window of great weather for a pool party in rainy July 2024. I'm so very thankful for friends and family, those who were able to come and those who shared their love from a distance.

"Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth, meditate on it day and night, so you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:8-9