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Encouraging Words

Writer's picture: JennyJenny

We know we don't always give an encouraging word when we should. We know that the impact of loving others in truth and deed is unforgettable. But at present we're reflecting on how important it is to give a timely encouraging word. Recently, Merle asked a few people to give some written feedback as to how his life has impacted them, so we are sharing a few of their thoughts with you! He hadn't thought much about what people might say, but they were needed for a new proposal he is writing. The things they said to express their experiences with him were extremely encouraging and uplifting. So, let us encourage one another and all the more in these last days however many they are.

Thank you, to all who support and pray for our ministry, because these comments wouldn't be possible without YOU!

"Merle played a pivotal role in my life for further development, change and establishment in Christ. The Lord used Merle and his family as a role model that I and my family could look up to in so many ways.

Merle is one of the most authentic, representation of the disciple of Christ. He loved me and my family like Jesus loves. He was always compassionate, kind, sacrificial and full of joy every time he served.

I was only 16 when I gave my life to Christ and Merle was the father figure, mentor, brother who gave me my first Bible and taught me about who the Lord is. Merle helped me to fall in love with Jesus in a deeper way and Lord used him in such a powerful way to continue seeking God’s face in every situation. Today I serve as a Pastor of a church that Lord is using and going to use to set as the example for body of Christ globally to fall in love with Jesus and bring many new lives into the Kingdom of God.

I'm the fruit of what Merle sowed in Bosnia during 2002/2003 and I'm so grateful for him and his family and their yes to the Lord.

I bless you Merle in Jesus mighty name and I tell you : Much more fruit you will bear in your life and you will reap well because you have sown faithfully.

Glory be to our God, Jesus!

I love you brother!"

"Tomas (Merle) je posebna osoba koja me je svojom unutrašnjom snagom inspirisala da se svaki životni san može ostvariti. I ako me je učio kako vezati sigurnosti čvor, kako sići i popeti stijenu, kako letjeti, kako preživjeti divljinu, on me je naučio kako živjeti dušom. “Nije mi dao ribu, već me je naučio kako da je uhvatim”...

Iza nas je puno zajedničkih koraka, puno pregaženih planina, bili smo i traperi i kauboji i Indijanci i mornari. Za iskustva koja si meni dao trebati će knjiga. Hvala ti učitelju"

Which means:

"Tomas is a special person who inspired me with his inner power to make every living dream possible. And if he taught me how to tie the knot safety, how to get off and climb the rock, how to fly, how to survive the wildlife, he taught me how to live the soul. "He did not give me fish but taught me how to catch him ..." Behind us there were a lot of common steps, full of overgrown mountains, we were also trappers and cowboys, and Indians and sailors. For the experience you gave me you will need a book. Thank you teacher"

From a girl whose father was killed in the war: "I feel rich because I have victory over hatred."

"What a guy! Wow! Thomas is two guy in one, depending if you need serious conversations or funny adventures. He teaches us how love is important, how religion can make you believe in impossible things and how to be friend for whole life. This guy has a vision, an open mind, big heart and has been nothing but inspiration to me. It was pleasure to be friend with Thomas."

"I know Merle over 10 years. His skill to communicate with people is unique. His coaching skills have helped many Bosnians to succeed and change their lives thanks to his life coaching programs. Transformation processes of his programs and dedication to these programs have resulted in me teaching today at Qatar University as a professor. Merle has one charisma, professionalism and a lifelong vision to help and direct young people to find the right path of success in their lives. His complete family gave a huge sacrifice to help the Bosnian people after the war to pass a transition after the war. That is why, on my behalf and in the name of a huge number of Bosnians, I thank him and the American people who sent him to Bosnia to bring us one welfare, to maintain basic human values ​​and to give us the strength to continue with our lives."

"Some of them were officials, some were blue collar workers, some professors and teachers, some of them were neighbors, students and children, some were young and some very old friends, some I saw come into the world and other dear friends I laid to rest. But they were all made in God's image, and I loved them all." -Merle

Thank you to all who make our call to serve in Sarajevo to these precious people possible.

May God bless you in return!

Merle and Jenny


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