In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), as in other places in the world, this important holy day is to honor those who have gone before us into heaven. The parking lot at the cemetery will be packed and you can't drive by easily, because so many have come to put flowers on the gravestones of their loved ones. All Hallowed-Saints Eve, October 31, is also the anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517, in hopes of reforming the Catholic Church, and began the Protestant Reformation. I always had my kids watch "Luther," a 2003 film of the events of Martin Luther's dedication to the Word of God. Homeschooling. Gotta love it. "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God will be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Tim. 3:16-17
Jenny completed her training and Practicum through Think LifeChange, to become one of their Biblical counselors. Last summer, I was struggling with what to do for the Lord with all the Bible information God has planted in me over the years, while Merle was constructing the AirBnb, and the Lord opened this door, and threw out a red carpet! After attending the Residency last November 2021, reading all the material and passing all the tests, I have been privileged to lead 10 women through the book The Heart of the Problem. I again attended the Residency in October 2022, as a bookend to review all the information. I even received some experiential learning with horses from Victory Reins. I'm not sure how God will use this training in our future ministry. If you are missing joy or peace in your life, give me a call to meet, or meet with me on Zoom. God wants you to have an abundant life!
Merle is working to complete the construction of our woodsy rental on Lookout Mountain, GA, very close to Covenant College and Rock City. God has been so good to provide through the skills he has put into Merle and enough inheritance money to build this, to hopefully provide additional needed income for us. We would love to use this first building as a part of a future retreat center, if God wills and provides. Our hope is to provide an environment of peace and quiet in God's natural beauty. You can tell there are still things to do - kitchen fixtures, bathroom shower glass, all the furniture, and extras. What a guy!
The proceedings for Delores' estates are still pending, but making progress. Our attorney is lovely and running in local elections to be a judge, Ann Fiddler. I'd vote for her.
We happened upon a Bosnian Restaurant called Tata's Grill near I-75 south of Chattanooga, just after you cross into TN. We highly recommend the cevapi and goulash with homemade mashed potatoes. Excellent! And the Bosnian coffee, too! Want to learn a little Bosnian? We know where we are taking the kids for dinner at Christmas time! Luke can't wait!
My son - the soldier! So proud! He moves from Fort Benning to Fort Hood in Texas December 2nd, but he gets to come home from Christmas!
Lydia passed her State Boards for Nursing NCLEX on the first try! We are so proud! Now she is job hunting, hoping to live closer to her boyfriend, Jo, who works in Temple, GA at a camp as a Program Director. Hanging out with our international best friends, Adrian (Josh's dad), Josh, (from Albania) and Mariela (from Honduras). Lydia and I were able to go spend a few days with Hannah, who is sewing up a storm for the Renaissance Festival. She is always so creative and eclectic! The old dog, Miracle, just ain't what she used to be. Still love her.
Merle and I sat on the rocks at the hang gliding launch where we met many years ago - about 40 years ago, and we will celebrate our 30th Anniversary next March!
"Without faith it is impossible to please God, for everyone who comes to him must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6