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2020 Vision?

Writer's picture: JennyJenny

A Devotional

Reading the Lord Jesus' words this morning in Matthew 6 & 7, reminded me again of some action points:

* Hypocrites - don't be like them - to be seen, to be applauded, their many words

* Your heavenly Father knows the things I need - this comforts me

* Forgive people, over and over again

* Those rats in my storage destroy things. Focus on and collect real treasure

* Money is not the real treasure

* Life is more than eating, drinking, clothes. So what is Life?

* Your heavenly Father knows what you need - I need to hear this again

* Don't judge - I have more than enough issues to deal with

* Don't give what is holy to those who don't want to hear

* Keep up your search for the Lord to fulfill

* Be good to others, the way you would like it to be

* Enter the narrow gate and follow the difficult road which leads to Life

* Beware of ravaging wolves in soft, fluffy fur - their legacy will show their true colors

* Being known by the Lord is the best place to be!

* Act on these thoughts

Now that it is about to be the year of our Lord 2020, I want to renew my commitment to the Lord, to follow him wholeheartedly. When you look back, they say your vision is 20/20, having the clear perspective of time and outcomes. But God knows in advance. He knows what is best for me in 2020. I can trust Him. I can follow His advice. I can do what he asks and know this will be the best life for me. The BEST life. This is what I desire - for us all.


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