Practice Makes Permanent
We have probably all heard the saying, "practice makes perfect," especially if you ever took piano lessons, but in reality, whatever you...
Practice Makes Permanent
How Do You Know?
Nothing Like Fresh Fruit
Lydia's Miracle
The Passover Josiah Remembered
That's Why Jesus told this Parable?!
Lovely America!
From War to Inner Peace
A Wish and a Prayer
Why Did Jesus Weep?
God's Distinction Today
2020 Vision?
Remember, and Tell Your Children!
"Doubting"Thomas? - Think Again
Encouraging Words
God knows!
The Firstborn of Every Family? God's Distinction?
The Joy of Giving!
Sing Your Way Through Life!
Bread and Butter, with Cheese
Breeze, Birds, Bananas
Gifts are Great!
Another Goodbye...
Beautiful Bosnia
We have a Website! Check us out!
Bosnian Taste Treats